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Offering Custom Packaging Boxes with Logo

We focus on quality whether it is material choice or design work. When you place your order our first concern is to produce a result that clients have in mind. Whether an established brand or a start-up, our suggestions and support will help you in every stage. Your satisfaction is the top priority for us and we never compromise on it. No matter it is a simple logo design or a whole box style and art agenda, motto is to make your brand stand alone. Whatever the case we strive to meet every expectation that you have in mind at the time of order placement.

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At Custom Packaging Pro We Strive to Enhance Your Image

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6-8 Days Turnaround

6-8 Days Turnaround

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Starting From 100 Boxes

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Design Your Box with Our Custom Packaging Criteria

The term Custom packaging is true when you get a chance to change the design according to your own needs. In other words, a customer will indirectly be the designer of the box. We give you a chance to do so with our latest innovations in design and style. We involve you in every step of the process as if you are an active part of it. For that, we have a template and mock-up library to give a complete view of all perspectives of your order. You can either introduce a new style or follow the pattern from any of our mock-ups. Whatever the case the result you get at the end is a fully personalized design. That way we produce everything according to your expectations and business needs. Even you are free to make any changes that you think will boost the appeal of your brand.

All that personalization will benefit your brand and product in a great way. Our designers are experts in all the alterations that a product needs. Custom packaging does not only refer to the design or color scheme of a box. It includes all the aspects that would change the solution according to the product and business requirements. Every industry has its own need for personalization. Only you can tell what your product needs for a snug fit. In the same way, an expert designer can tell what sort of color scheme and typography will suit your solution. When both these efforts combine you will get the result that we are promising. It will not only make your product stand out in the racks but also the minds of your target audience. For that, we provide you with all the privileges and technical support from our end. We have the best design and layout experts on our team.

Put an Everlasting Impact on Customers with Our Custom Boxes

When we talk about the impact of Custom boxes on end users, it is limitless. We are creating a box that is directly in the interest of your end user. Its personalization and unique appearance will all matter to the person who buys and takes it home. For that purpose, we have to especially emphasize the interests of that individual. The design and style of your box will also alter accordingly. From one industry to another every aspect will change. Whether it is the shape, style, color scheme, or even the typography, it must portray the interest of your buyers. If you do not do so, they will not show interest in your product. To save your business from that drastic outcome, you will have to shake hands with our design department. That is where all the personalization will take place. From stock selection to the final finishing, every aspect matters. We know how to make a great impact with all our efforts. You just have to share the idea, and we will implement it in the best possible form.

The factors that are essential for a great customer impact are no other than those that would add to the ease of your end users. The sturdiness and robust structure stands on the top for all types of Custom boxes. Then comes the choice of color scheme. It shall be according to the brand theme. Also, the products shall reflect in your colors and design patterns. If these are edibles then it shall be accordingly. Gift items would have their unique persona. Medicines and other such items have a set of demands different from other products. For instance, the thing that matters more than anything for customization will be the child safety feature and defense against moisture and sunlight. As these would disturb the efficacy of medicinal products. Just like that, we would alter each box according to our custom needs and requirements. And all that will have a positive impact on the customer.

Highly Durable and Captivating Retail Boxes for Best Outcome

The thing that matters most for the design and manufacture of Retail boxes is their durability and appearance. We make sure that both these aspects are a part of the final output. The reason behind that is the demand for the shelves where your products would be on display. Many factors would affect their presence on racks. First of all, they would face dust and other external factors. To cancel the negative impact caused by these you must have durable and sturdy solutions. These shall resist the entry of moisture and dust particles. A secure box from all angles will only fulfill your demand for such a secure result. The second most important aspect of that sort of box manufacture is to catch the eye of the target audience. Usually, there are many similar items in the retail racks and store shelves. Customers would only be attracted to those items that are eye-catching. For that, we create awesome designs and layouts. The one that influences your target audience is our top priority.

Marvelous Unboxing Experience with Creatively Printed Boxes

Anyone can print a box with a blend of various schemes, however only that product will put an everlasting impact on the end users that has sharp printing outcomes. Also, the choice of competitive color schemes and designs will enhance the unboxing experience. As we know that nowadays everyone is crazy about unboxing videos on various online platforms. Those solutions that have an added aesthetic appeal and an out class printing result would pass the exam. We make sure that none of our Packaging output is with dull colors and dead designs. Another aspect of great printing is the brand appearance. It is only due to the clear product description, logo placement and high resolution images of the item inside the box. All these shall be up to the mark otherwise the result will not be according to your expectations. No need to worry once you are with us as we take the responsibly.

We Customize Boxes for Best Branding Output

Personalization of any product will automatically have an impact on the branding campaign. That is the reason we also Small Customize boxes for great outcomes. These include all the aspects that would have an impact on the brand enhancement and product presentation. For that we use the latest techniques and cutting edge technological innovations. From the material choice to the end result of finishing all the aspects matter in this regard. You just have to give the input in the form of an idea no matter how rough. Our experts would take care of the rest. They know how to choose the best color scheme that is according to your product attributes.  In the same way the style and type of closure also matters. All these are a part of the personalization that will make your item unique from the rest. It will automatically put an impact on the brand enhancement feature of each product. That is what we strive for in our design and style campaign.

A Plethora of Product Boxes for all Your Items

The most beautiful thing about the range of Product boxes is that these would cover any item that you produce. The industries and their categories are full of all sorts of items. These cover the needs and requirements of the target audience. From food to the beauty industry, all these products comprise a whole new Universe. To make your place in this Universe you must have a distinct product identity. For your convenience, we have a separate page for each product. It is in turn listed under its category. When you browse each product you will find a vast range of options with essential details? That will make the choice and decision-making easy for you. In case you do not see a product in our listing but you manufacture it, bring it to our notice, and we will add it too. Our only motto is to provide you with the best results for any item Packaging that you will need to enhance your brand.

Try Our Innovative Packaging Boxes to Rank on the Top

Today every business is producing a unique range of Packaging Boxes with Lids to create an identity of their own. This again depends upon the items and products they produce and manufacture. The choice of a great and suitable manufacturer will at last give you a fruitful result. We are such a great partner for you to give all that outcome that you have in mind. With our design and style innovations, we have a plethora of choices and alterations for each product range. Each will have a unique design with a solid impact. Our team of experts will create a design only after they have studied your competitors well. That helps us achieve a level of personalization that no one has attained before. Just name the product and the rest will be our headache. With a vast range of pre-designed templates, we have a sea of options ready to edit and implement as your design.

Get Tremendous Savings on Our Wholesale Boxes

Almost it is the dream of every businessman to save on expenses. For that, they make various strategies and choose solutions that would not break the bank. One such popular option is no other than the Wholesale boxes. When you place your order in bulk at our packaging facility, we ensure you that it will not only save you a handsome amount but also save you time. As far as the savings on your money and expense view, it is due to the concession that we give you on your bulk order placement. You will save your time and energy when we tell you that all the major facilities regarding stock selection, printing, and final output are under a single roof. Yes, we offer you every facility and you have no need to run here and there wasting your time and energy. All that will also help you save some extra amount.

Some might think that the main benefit of Wholesale packaging is just to save some bucks. However, that is not the case. It has an overall impact on all the beneficial aspects of your production. Just imagine when you will save some amount in every step then you will able to utilize it on other ventures of your project. For example, the amount you save in wholesale will serve to enhance the marketing campaign. You can use that saved amount to boost your marketing on various online and offline platforms. In the same way, you can use it to add some additional features to your product. It can also be used for add-ons and finishing options that otherwise might not be affordable for you. No need to mention you can also facilitate your end user by giving some discount bundles. Thus, it will add to your customer loyalty.

Last but not least, when we offer you Packaging wholesale it has two major impacts, one on the environment and the other on your smart strategy. First of all, we would talk about the environmental impact. The eco-friendly aspect is very prominent as it will play a role in cutting carbon emissions. When we run an industrial unit for any manufacturing process, it will generate a tremendous amount of heat and this emits carbon gases. That happens at the start of every industrial process. However, when we produce a product in bulk, that process is reduced. This will have a healthy impact on the atmosphere. The second aspect is the smart cash flow and surviving the supply chain. Many products are quite popular during special occasions of the year. It is not possible to fulfill the custom orders. However, when you order a product in bulk you will not face any supply chain hindrance.

Custom Printed Packaging Boxes with Logo for a Distinguished Identity

In the field of box manufacture what matters most is the identity you establish among market competitors. Nothing plays a more prominent role in it than the Custom Packaging Boxes with Logo. It has a dual impact on the marketing and branding campaign. One facet is the personalization. It is the science behind positive changes that we bring to your box design and style. However, a logo is something that will change the whole scenario from ordinary to special. It is the face of your brand and company name. Just as a person without a face will have no identity, a brand without a logo will be faceless. When in racks, what your potential buyer notes, at first sight, is nothing else than the symbol of your business. If it is in a prominent place on the package, then you do not need to fret about the success of your brand. People will buy the item by identifying your business mark on it.

Another great aspect of Custom boxes with logos is their uniqueness. These give your brand a uniqueness on retail shelves when your items are present among similar products. As we know today many companies copycat the design and style of the successful manufacturers. With slight differences, they have the same design and style. Many times a customer who is in a hurry will face difficulty recognizing the product they need. On that occasion, the logo will help to distinguish one brand from another. We create these designs from both branding and distinguished identity point of view. Even if we find that you do not have an impressive one, we will create a new one for you. That is the reason our product designs are not only popular among our clientele but also their end users and potential buyers.

Get an Ideal Snug Fit with Custom Size Packaging Boxes

Just imagine we have all the square or rectangular Paper Box Packaging of the same size and measurement. Would these be beneficial for our business? No, not, a uniform size is not what we need in the field of box manufacturing. The most ideal one is Custom size packaging. As the name indicates, the size is personalized according to the product dimensions and its requirements. If it is not so the item will loosely fit inside the box and as a result, it will get damaged during transit. Of course, a loose-fitted item will move here and there and thus collide with the walls of the container and cause damage to the product as well as its packaging. To save you from that hassle we create a well-measured box. The one that will snugly fit your item. That will guarantee that the item inside will not move freely during transit. Inserts and fills are also a great idea to fit the products well inside the box.

You cannot put yourself in the trouble of creating a perfectly fit box. Each time you will have to go through the design and measurement process. The best way to save you from that hassle is to get your order in bulk. Yes, Custom size boxes wholesale is one such great option. That way you will get the bulk quantity all in the same size. That will not only save you cash but also time and energy. However, you must have a nice dry place where you can store these bulk manufactured orders. In case you do not have that facility, no need to worry as we will do it for you. Whenever you need the delivery we will do it at short notice. Your Custom Boxes for Shipping would be safe with us unless and until you order them. Another perk is a uniform design a style work. When your order is in bulk printing it will get the same tone of printing and there will be no imbalance. That will also have a positive impact on your overall brand uplift.

Why Prefer Our Boxes Packaging on Standard Ones?

When it comes to the variety, we have both custom and standard boxes. The standard might be a good choice for shipping or storage purposes however the boxes packaging are always on the top. Whenever a customer comes to us we suggest the second one. The reason is more than simple. The personalized size, pattern, design, and style make them a unique option. That will help your product range stand out in the crowded market. As we know many times products of the same attributes are on the same racks and shelves. That can cause a lot of confusion for the target audience. To save your customers from that inconvenience we have the customized option. It will give your product a unique and individual touch. Moreover, customers would easily recognize your item in the crowded racks.

When we Customize packaging, it will not be a boring one anymore. That alteration in design and artwork will bring a fresh breeze for all those who see it. In most of the cases, the whole appearance of the package will change. It will transform from a boring one to an interesting item that will give you more visibility. This customization are not just limited to design but also the logo and company slogans. Thus, it will also play an active role in the branding campaign. Moreover, for special occasions like Christmas, Valentine’s Day, and birthdays we would decorate them with special embellishments. All that will make your brand a hot discussion in the relevant markets. That will also safeguard your item during transit. Whatever the impact the personalized size and shape of the box also play a crucial role in its shelf success. If you have not yet gone through all the above phases, we would recommend that once visit our online template library and place your order now.

Get Instant Brand Enhancement through Our Packaging with Logo

No brand can survive without a proper boost against its competitors. It is also a fact that Packaging with logo plays a main role in any brand's enhancement. Whether you are displaying your items in retail racks or on an online platform. The company trade name and logo are a must-have for proper identity. That is how people know your name. They also recognize you that way amid the crowd of competitors. In short, a logo is the real face of your business. It is like a marketing personnel introducing you to various platforms without speaking a single word. We also use that magic by placing it in the proper place of the design. If you do not have one, get the benefit from our free designing service, and we will create one for you instantly. Even your old one will also get a new-look with a little retouching. Our designers would furnish you not only with fresh ideas but more than one options to choose from.

No doubt a logo would have no identity if it were not for Printed boxes wholesale. Top-notch printing and designing play an important role in the uplift of your logo. When we merge it with the bulk order, you also get some financial perks. We all know it will give discount in the price. In many other options would help improve the overall progress of your item. For instance, bulk printing will give it an enhanced appeal. All the colors and patterns would be in the same flow. That will not only give your packaging a unique appeal but also help it stands out in the crowd. So when you opt for it we offer you real-time benefits in addition to the financial savings you have in mind. Come to us today to get the most out of our offerings in this regard.

Increase Your Sales with Our Unique Custom Retail Boxes

All packaging types, the most advantageous for sales are Custom retail boxes. If these are unique and eye catchy then your sales ratio will be directly proportional to them. That is what we also focus on. Our team of experts makes sure that your design and layout are not only one of a kind but also attractive. It will then grab the attention of your potential customers. We create each box according to the specific needs and demands of your product and business. From the stock selection to the style and final look, everything matters to us. After proper market research, we decide which style will best suit your requirements. You are also free to suggest any changes before and during the whole process. With our free design and layout service we give you the privilege to bring as many edits as possible.

Just like the design and style, what matters most for your Custom retail packaging? Yes, you guessed it rights, it is no other than the add-on selection. In the same way, the finishing aspects also play a crucial role in making your package unique and attention-grabbing. We have a vast range of finishing options and add-ons. That would not only impress your target audience but also make your product unique. It is the most important aspect of retail items. We know many similarly looking items are on the same shelf. Some might copy your style exactly. In that case, a unique look will make you rule the rack. For your ease of access, we have a vast range of templates ready to use. The more it stands out in the rack, the more chances are for the customers to grab it.

Like the above-mentioned aspects, printing is also a great option to catch the attention of your prospective customers. Top class printing with unique finishing will for sure impress your customer. It will also impact their buying decisions. We use cutting-edge printing techniques that would for sure impress whoever has a look at the item. In the same way, we print your company logo differently and uniquely. We also ensure that your product images and descriptions are also one of a kind. The typography and image resolution all will have an impact on your products. In addition to the print it is also important to save the impressions that would make the printing long live. For that, we make use of lamination techniques, matte, UV spot, gloss, etc. Whatever the case our top priority is to mark your product high in retail boxes and racks.

Enhanced Safety and Sustainability for Retail Packaging

What matters most for customers and brands mutually is the safety of their items. Just imagine yourself as a customer and when you open a Retail packaging and find the product damaged what will be the impact? Of course, it will damage the brand's reputation and goodwill. To save you from that embarrassment we ensure the manufacture is sturdy and robust. Whether these are in transit or on the racks, we will ensure that the external impacts are zero or minimal. It will also help put an everlasting impact on the end user. All that also maximizes your brand loyalty among customers. Our designers and box makers ensure that the affiliation of your customers is intact with you no matter what. We also know that the structure and style also matter a lot in this regard. A poor structure will never give rise to a sturdy box.

In addition to the above, we also focus on sustainability. Tensile strength does not mean that the Custom product packaging will hurt the environment. We have cardboard of various varieties for that purpose. It is not only biodegradable but also accommodates a vast range of personalization options. For enhanced safety and snug fit of your item we also provide inserts and tray options among our box styles. Moreover, the eco-friendly packaging comes in various other gradations and color types. We have all these at your service ready to use in your order. With all the major facilities under a single roof, we not only save your time but also energy and money. All you have to do is place your order and sit back till you receive it at your doorstep.

Our agents are here in live chat around the clock for your assistance. Our customer support is always at your service, so you can quickly get the correct information. Call (281) 393-8119 or complete the requirements form. Any comments or other inquiries can be sent to us via email at We will be happy to assist you. You can quickly obtain any of these boxes based on your ideas at the retail level. CPP offers stylish packaging box designs and high-quality customized packaging at discounted prices.

Why choose us

First, we would not boast too much about what we do for you and how we are the best choice for your packaging projects. We believe our work will discuss what we do for you and your business. From free designs and no set-up costs to free delivery, our focus is on how much we can facilitate our customers. With all our major facilities under the same roof, you can enjoy the perks of time and money savings in a single blow. When you start to work with our team you will get an experience apart. To cut a long story short, we take your project as our own. All you have to do is enjoy the perks while our team strives hard to bring a boost to your brand.

From start to finish we pay full attention to quality assurance. For that purpose, we have a whole department that solely studies and monitors various aspects of quality control. No single piece can pass undetected without strict monitoring. Our focus is to ensure that you get flawless results every time you place your order with us.

With years of experience on our backs, we know everything about retail boxes. Our solutions cover all the industries and styles that come under that niche. From simple blank boxes to full design and other such solutions we offer a complete range of options for all business types.

When opt for our wholesale boxes we not only offer a discount in price but also put on our top priority list. You get all our facilities and fringe benefits including access to our template library and free designing with unlimited editing options.

Our process starts the moment customer finalizes the quote, which is why we complete our orders in the earliest hour. We know that your time is more precious than anything that is why we do not waste a single moment and start work on your order right away. Maximum turnaround time by us falls under 6 to 8 working days.

We have all types of luxury boxes under our belt. Also known as setup or rigid boxes these are best suitable for gift and cosmetic items. With numerous customization options our team masters all sorts and forms from minimalistic designs to colored ones with complete finishing.

Yes, we have a complete range of Kraft box material. From white to grey and even black we have any color that will suit your packaging requirements. With this bio-degradable option, you can rest assured that your solutions will not put any burden on the ecosystem around us.

We are well aware of the fact that a prompt customer support response is essential for a healthy customer relationship. Our support team is always there 24/7 to resolve any issues that you might have. At the same time, they also provide you with complete guidelines on order placement and delivery, etc.

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