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December 12, 2019

Custom Boxes Wholesale – What to Avoid For Stand-Up Pouches

Custom Boxes Wholesale

When you have decided to use stand-up pouches for your custom boxes wholesale, then you need to take certain measures. These will only ensure that you do not mess with your boxes because in the end this will only cost you. So make sure you are avoiding the following factors for your own good. You need to understand the following snags thus trying to avoid them in every way. This will definitely help in the making of your stand-up pouches;

Prototyping Of Stand-up Pouches

If you have used stand-up pouches before, you will understand that there are certain problems one can face. The pouches are flexible, and this can cause an issue while you try to fold and buckle them. This can lead to leakage too sometimes. Or it can cause fractures. Your product inside isn’t safe in this regard. It can also be damaged. So what should be done?

If you are a Kraft boxes supplier with years of experience, the first thing you will be doing is collaborating with the company in order to design the perfect prototype pouches that are bound to keep the products inside safe and secure. The pouches prototypes will ensure that these cause no leakage or fractures.

When you design a pouch, you should use quality material. Such a pouch will have the structural stability and strength to ensure all products are delivered with ease, comfort and convenience.

Seals And Converting Of Pouches

If you choose a supplier that doesn’t have the necessary skills and experience, they won’t be able to come with a pouch with certain techniques. However, if you choose a skilled and experienced supplier for your customized stand-up pouches, then be assured they will most of the time come up with techniques that are dynamic and will offer several options to seal keeping the product inside safe from all harm, damage, potential leakage and any other risks that may involve.

To need to make sure that the seal is strong, especially on those areas that are delicate. This way, the pouches will be able to hold in heavy objects too, and quite easily.

The Material Of Packaging

Never ever choose a material that is too hard when you need to make pouches. Its is always best that you choose a structure and material that is flexible. Usually, the material is used for the making of these stand-up pouches is Kraft. This material plays a crucial role in the making of the pouches because this way the packaging is fully hygienic. These will be durable and resistant from any hits, punctures, and damages.

This factor is highly important, especially when you want to place liquids inside or powder. If the pouch is damaged, it can cause leakage.

When you hire a supplier who doesn’t have the skills or means or the required experience, they can easily mess up the whole thing by choosing a material that won’t hold. Therefore, it’s best you look for a supplier that will easily incorporate all these necessary features into the pouches.

Testing Of Pouch

Once you have created the prototypes, its best you give them a test to ensure they will hold on. This will help you in checking the material’s quality as well as the strength and the level of stretching of these pouches.


Make sure you incorporate sprouts in these pouches because they are super important and will make it easy for you to open, close, cleaning and even cutting. The Kraft boxes or pouches need to depict everything that is easy and secure to make sure the spouts are present in them.

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