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December 12, 2019

5 Packaging tips and tricks to design lipstick boxes wholesale

lipstick boxes wholesale

The cosmetic market is full of brands and everyone is giving its best to be at the top. One of the ways to be a customer's favorite brand is the use of custom lipstick boxes wholesale. A recent study shows that companies who opt for custom packaging boxes have more sales. Improving your cosmetic packaging can make a big difference for your products and brands.

Lipstick is every woman's best friend. That's why it has more demand compared to other beauty products. As the competition in the market is tough, brands are putting a lot of effort into lipstick packaging. Custom boxes are an easy and affordable way to get alluring packaging. Custom lipstick boxes come in a variety of shapes and sizes. These boxes are not only eye-catching but also provide a secure packaging solution.

Nowadays, customers look for a quality product packed in high-quality packaging. While designing packaging, you should keep in mind that the box should be more than a product holder. Lipstick boxes wholesale should be unique and help you to stand out in the crowd. If designed effectively, it also helps brands to connect with customers effectively. All the elements should be properly designed and placed on the box.

If you want to have perfect lipstick boxes, here are some tips and tricks

It’s all about protecting the product

Protection is the primary role of high-quality packaging. Lipstick boxes should act more than a product holder. Lipstick is a fragile item and needs proper handling. If your product is damaged due to bad packaging design, it can affect your reputation. So, always use custom lipstick boxes made of high-quality material like cardboard, Kraft, Paperboard or Corrugated. It keeps lipstick safe from environmental effects. Moreover, don't forget to add the green element in your cosmetic boxes.

Make it attractive but don’t go over the board

Designing simple packaging is good but having an attractive lipstick box is even better. The lipstick comes in attractive colors and their packaging boxes should also have some buzz. Use natural and light colors in your boxes. Photos, graphics, and imagery can help to design a box that attracts attention.  It is also good in this age of the internet. People will share your uniquely designed boxes on social media. It is like marketing at no cost. 

You should stand out on the shelves

Every brand wants its packaging to stand out on the shelves. If you get no competition in stores, you are lucky. But in other cases, you need a unique box to catch the customer's eye. It helps you to draw more attention and increase your sales. Many ways can set your product apart. It can be a logo, a color, an image or a tag line. Anything can click in your favor. People will buy from a brand that offers something unique and also recommend it to others.

Design it for your targeted audience

You need to be careful while designing custom lipstick boxes wholesale. Do your research to know who are your ideal customers and what they look in a packaging box. It helps you to design the box in a better way. Is your product for old women or young ladies or teenage girls? Design according to the taste and preference of your customers. You can visit different stores to know the choices of your targeted market.

Make it a marketing piece

Your custom lipstick boxes wholesale can help you in brand promotion and marketing. Use it to tell customers who you are and what’s the story behind your brand. The simplest way to do it is to design the boxes according to your brand personality. Use colors the same as your website and brochures. The use of the logo is a must and it should be your official one. If you have selected the specific font for your brand, do apply it on your boxes.

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